Friday, April 20, 2018

Skye Eriksen Fourth Year Recital: congratulations!

This year we have two graduates completing their saxophone studies, one of whom is Skye Eriksen from the BC Interior. (More on the other graduate in a future post.)

Skye is an expressive performer who has a passion for teaching. She was consistently well prepared in lessons and for performance labs (master classes). Because she possesses an ample amount of agility on the saxophone that allows her to manifest her ideas with relative ease, her lessons were mostly about artistry more than mere technique. Skye possesses an ability to listen deeply and to connect with others in a way that few people can muster.

It has been a pleasure working with Skye in quartet and in her lessons. She possesses that rare quality known as common sense. That, and her musicality, honesty, graciousness, forthrightness, sense of humour, ability to think independently and critically (in the best sense of the word), her affability and support for others has earned her the respect and admiration of her peers.

Never one to shy away from a challenge, Skye has worked diligently to prepare herself for a career in music education. Her love of teaching has been clearly manifest through her work with middle school students at the annual Music Discoveries weekend sponsored by the UVic Student Music Educators' Association.

Skye's Fourth Year Recital featured works by Gotkovsky, Piazzolla, Bach (Italian Concerto arranged for quartet), Morosco and Maslanka. Skye was ably assisted by Jannie Burdeti on piano.

Congratulations Skye! May you keep with you the knowledge of the joy and inspiration you have brought to the Saxophone Class and the School of Music.

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Addition images: click below.
Master Class, etc.

Master Class with Dr. Julia Nolan (UBC)

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