Sunday, November 18, 2018

Saxophone Students in the 2018 November Vocal Jazz Showcase

Multi-talent saxophone students appearing in the upcoming Vocal Jazz Showcase, November 25, 7pm (Admission by Donation) are First Year Ben (voice/Studio Group), Fourth Year Matthew (Guitar) and Fourth Year Michelle (Piano).

Click on Image to Enlarge

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Quartet Sobremesa Performs for Fall Convocation 2018

Congratulations to Quartet Sobremesa—Michelle, Matt, Todd and Karsten—for another series of successful Convocation performances. The award-winning Quartet is pictured below in performance and with the Chancellor of the University of Victoria, the veteran broadcast-journalist Shelagh Rogers, OC.

Click on Images to Enlarge

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November Quartet Day: Lacour, Bozza and Dvořák.

Thank you, all, for a program of strong performances and constructive criticism.


Quartet Macaron: Michael (s), Connor (a), Skye (t) and Kayla (b).
I. Elegie from Quatuor pour Saxophones by G. Lacour

Quartet Sobremesa: Michelle (s), Matt (a), Todd (t) and Karsten (b).
II. Scherzo, from Andante et Scherzo by E. Bozza

Petit Quatuor: Baylie (s), Ayari (a), Alex (t) and Ben (b).
II. Lento from String Quartet in F Major, Op. 96, "American Quartet" by A. Dvořák.

Petit Quatuor Plays For Mustard Seed Food Bank

Petit Quatuor, so named by its members, because the members are, by their own estimate, of diminutive stature, performed for The Mustard Seed community service organization this past week.

Congratulations, PQ—Baylie, Ayari, Alex and Ben—for your initiative and service to others.

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