Monday, May 26, 2014

Note To Students - Blog Updates

B.T. Williams Quartet
L—R: Nicholl, Whitehorne, Smith & Maynard
Winners—Victoria Performing Arts Festival
April 2014

Greetings one and all.

First and foremost, congratulations to the B.T. Williams Quartet for their win at the Victoria Peforming Arts Festival—well done!

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The School of Music will be sending in an email to all registered students a link to the Large Ensembles Audition information.

Most auditions occur in the first week of September, so be sure to carefully review any emails the School may send you between now and September.

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The 2014 Syllabus will be posted in early June.

Do check back here from time to time to ensure that updates have been taken into consideration.

Happy Summer break!